Risk Profiler

Eliminate jargon, complexity, and adviser bias with our digital risk profiler. Help your members invest with confidence and reduce the risk of panicking when markets are volatile.

Why the IFS Risk Profiler?

Traditional risk profile approaches have been called out to be deeply flawed, complex and time-consuming. This drove us to search for, and ultimately build, a more appropriate solution for super fund members. We embarked on this journey with a prominent super fund and behavioral finance experts, drawing upon various insights and consumer research.

The IFS digital risk profiler is designed to help a member understand how their superannuation is invested and what investment mix best aligns to their risk and return preferences. Our risk profiler ensures before a member makes a decision, they first understand the subject matter. The primary objective of the digital risk profiler is to accurately determine members' tolerance for volatility, encompassing both upper limits and frequency, as well as their investment risk expectations.

Our Unique Advantage

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Digitised Experience

A digital approach ensures consistency and addresses the potential for adviser bias.

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Dynamic Format

With various resources like an explainer video, choice modelers and on-screen text, the tool aims to increase the chance of members understanding critical concepts before making a choice.

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Trade-off Based

It directly addresses the trade-off decisions the member needs to make between the return outcomes they seek and the volatility.  

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Emotional Drivers

Human emotions are important to consider in the advice process, thus, this tool accounts for the need for how a member will feel in different market conditions.

Product Features

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IFS offers integrated services to embed this tool into your digital or human advice offerings.

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The tool can be tailored to align seamlessly with your branding requirements, encompassing your preferred brand colors, fonts, and icons.

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IFS' risk profiler will undergo periodic updates to ensure alignment with evolving underlying assumptions.

How does it work

As it is an interactive tool, super fund members will follow these steps when using the digital risk profiler:
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Step 1

Watch the explainer video

The video illustrates how the digital risk profiler works while educating members on the various market conditions they should be aware of and the potential risks that they could encounter.

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Step 2

Select a portfolio

After viewing the video, members will proceed to a page where they can input their account balance and select a portfolio that best aligns with their risk appetite and return expectations.

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Step 3

Confirm their selection

Members validate their choice by answering a series of challenge questions. They have the flexibility to revisit their choice of portfolio if they remain uncertain with their choice.

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Step 4

Finalise their choice

Upon selecting a portfolio or making changes, members will be presented with a summary of information to confirm their agreement with the risks and potential returns associated with their chosen portfolio.

How to use the IFS Risk Profiler
Check out the interview between Craig Sankey, our Head of Technical Services & Advice Enablement and Simon Russell from Behavioural Finance Australia, as they discuss the IFS Risk Profiler.
Watch or Listen Now
Learn more about our digital risk profiler, get in touch with the IFS Advice team.
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