IFS is one of Australia’s largest licensee and advice services providers to the sector – helping our partner funds supporting the future financial security of over 5.5 million Australians.
Why us?
Financial advice and education
Superannuation underpins the future financial security of every Australian, yet according to research done by Adviser Ratings in 2022, almost 90% do not have a financial adviser. Most unadvised Australians would like help with super or preparing for retirement, but it’s estimated that around 60% don’t have the capacity to pay for that advice. Super funds have an opportunity to help resolve this tension between financial advice access and affordability.
IFS has pioneered positive change in financial advice since 1994. We are committed to playing our part in helping all Australians save for a more secure future through our complete financial advice licensing services, standalone outsourcing for self-licensed super funds, and advice service model design and deployment.
With the new retirement income covenant now in effect, super funds have a legal obligation to have a retirement strategy to ensure they can assist their members in retirement. The recent Quality of Advice Review also opens the door to new advice service models.
However, in this complex and changing regulatory landscape, building a cost-effective, scalable advice model within your super fund’s operating model can be challenging. The cost of delivering financial advice is high, and the number of advisers is shrinking.
That’s why it’s important to partner with an experienced, specialist licensee and advice services provider like IFS. What we offer
Financial advice and education services
Our licensing models and advice services can flex to suit your fund’s existing capabilities, strategy and membership base.
Give your fund leaders and advisers access to comprehensive expertise and support. We’ll give your team the confidence to deliver high quality, compliant advice and education that always puts your members’ interests first.
Learn More >You may have in-house advice capability and prefer to self-licence. But you can still reduce cost or complexity by outsourcing specific functions – such as advice software, compliance, professional development or paraplanning.
Learn More >We understand super, and we have deep expertise in financial advice as a licensee. Our consultancy services can help you resolve complex advice issues, set up the right governance and service models, and provide better value to members.
Learn More >Our Unique Advantage

your advice
As one of Australia's largest advice licensees to super funds, we can share best practice insights and data to help you check how your fund measures up.

Oversight, for peace of mind
Our Advice Assurance Program leverages technology to audit and report on adviser performance, trends, risks, and coaching opportunities.

Optimise your advice models
As experts in both super and financial advice, we can help you find new ways to deliver quality financial advice and education more efficiently and cost-effectively – at scale.
Help your members make smart choices today to maximise their super, and enjoy greater financial security in retirement.
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